The backpack has always been a faithful companion and indispensable instrument at school, while on vacation, as well as everyday occasions. However, the underlying rationale of this idea was realized by a series of considerations; but above all, in relation to the weight that must be transported everyday on one’s shoulders. In the scholastic environment, for example, beginning from the elementary level, young students are obligated to transport numerous> scholastic book as well as other spacious and heavy objects. This is a serious problem of weight. Therefore, in order to sustain and properly carry this weight, students most often tend to walk and run in a curved position. Thus, this ongoing problem continues which arouses parental concern at the beginning of each scholastic year, as well as continuous warnings from orthopedic surgeons to avoid transporting such extreme weight in any way possible as it could interfere with the development of the spinal cord and in the future cause serious malformations during the growth period. However, these fundamental observations are valid for any type of utilization for any given piece of luggage.In fact, there are certain situations in which our “burden” must be carried on our shoulders or by hand, or other instances where it would be necessary and useful to simply drag the pack behind oneself. Although it is most obvious that, while dragging a bag of excess weight endures less fatigue, its results are far more serious for one’ body. Therefore, if a simple mechanism which made it possible to easily alter your bag to whichever desired position would undobtedly benefit the carrier. So, if I think about a backpack that solves these problems, how must it be ? ......surely it would have wheels! Although certain luggage with wheels already exist in our market today, there are certainly not adaptable to every type of desired form, or require strange maneuvers to open and close; therefore , the principal requirement must be a beneficial movement beginning from the handle and continuing to the wheels in a way that is as easy as possible and, most of all, without strange mechanism . ...When I board the train, bus , or automobile, the wheels and handle must quickly disappear. More importantly, when I carry my backpack on my shoulders these same wheels and handle must not be cumbersome and obstruct others around me. .....It must, then, contain a mechanism that can be dismantled in a simple way so that I may wash the pack when desired. ...However, while being dragged, these wheels come into contact with the street, dirt, mud and other elements that easily stain. Therefore, when I carry this backpack on my shoulders, it is important that the dirt collected on the wheels not touch my clothes or the clothes of others around me. So the wheels of backpack must retract into another area located directly inside the pack. In short , what is required is a mechanism that allows me to carry the pack on my shoulders , and using a simple maneuver, permits me to drag it behind me as well or vice-versa, whichever is desired . From this standpoint, the idea of the ZR2 is introduced Proiect By : DUCCIO TRASSINELLI Patent : DUCCIO TRASSINELLI ZR2 MAIN FEATURES Immediate maneuver to extract the wheels and the handle in an easy gliding motion, without any release The wheels lift up the backpack from the street , so it will not pick up any dirt The mechanism is suitable for every height, adjusting automatically for individual, precise fit. The mechanism is applicable to every standard backpack and can be dismantled in a quick, simple way when needed ( ie: to wash the material if dirty) The wheels and handle quickly disappear when necessary to carry the backpack on one’s shoulders without bothering at all one’s back because the wheels stand aside of the bag The wheels retract into their sleeves, thereby avoiding contact with the person carryng the bag , as well as other persons around ( ie : on the bus, train or subway) When the backpack rests on the back, no metal or plastic parts are touching the middle of the back to cause discomfort; the part of the bag that touches the back is a soft material, with only the sides made of plastic. BRIEF MARKETING CONSIDERATIONS Nowadays it is common to see students carrying their backpacks with the some type of wheeled-support such as a trollery or pushcart. Rather, more often seen are frustrated parents who are constantly burdened with this ongoing problem of weight in relation to they child’s pack. It is clear that today’s market is willing to accept a scholastic pack outfidded with wheels. It is also evident that this same innovation must be supported by and marketed with the aid of radio and television transmissions regarding this argument, as well as various writings and articles correlating this scientific- medical information. Thus, the thrust and persuasiveness of the marketing field is imperative for the success of this product. When discussing the children that would use the new Rolling Pack , one might object to the fact that adolescent males might be embarassed to drag their pack, as it could be seen as a sign of weakness from others. However, the transportation of such devices with wheels is not limited to females—just try lingering a few minutes at the train station or airport to observe this fact. So , “long live indolence” ! To further justify our findings, an opinion poll was executed on students beginning from grade 3 to 12. They brought forth certain interesting issues regarding the relevancy of this issue. However, for the necessity of time, it was carried out with limited graphic means and illustrated scantily. Relative data responding to : NUMBER OF STUDENTS : 100 MALE 45% FEMALE 55% Responses to the question : If their schoolbooks weigh a significant amount YES 90% NO 10% If it is fun and useful to carry books with the new Rolling Pack : YES 76% NO 24% If they would purchase this new Rolling Pack only if it were manufactured by a famous brand: YES 38% NO 62% If it is important that the Rolling Pack becomes fashionable : YES 45% NO 55% If these students would convince their parents to change their old , traditional pack for the new Rolling Pack : YES 69% NO 31% Relatives data responding to : NUMBER OF PARENTS : 100 MALE: 32% FEMALE :67% Responses to the question : If they know how much weight (in kilograms ) your child carries everyday : less than 5 17% 5 to 10 73% more than 10 10% If this same weight could, in the future, cause problems during the development of the spinal cord : YES 97% NO 3% If they would buy the new Rolling Pack if it cost 8 USD more than a traditional pack : YES 62% NO 38% If they would buy the new Rolling Pack : only if it were a know brand 21% the brand is not important 79% If , at the beginning of the school year , they had to purchase a new pack for their children ,which would it be : the new Rolling Pack 72% a traditional pack 28%